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作者:聚创考研网-王老师 点击量: 87 发布时间: 2024-03-27 09:18 【微信号:13306030226】



Building on this research, Pearson and his team then recruited people with aphantasia from the Sydney, Australia, area to come to the lab for another experiment.This time, he asked the participants to imagine a dark object and then a light one.Your pupil contracts when you’re imagining the bright thing just like it does if I look up at the light.And with imagery, their pupil was different in the light condition. No imagery, with aphantasia, there’s no real difference there.For a person to be able to volunteer for this type of experiment, they first have to realize that they have aphantasia.But how do you know that you can’t visualize if you don’t even know that other people can?Quite often, Pearson says, the epiphany takes place in a meditation class.The teacher will be saying, “Now picture this and picture that.”

基于这项研究,皮尔森和他的团队从澳大利亚悉尼地区招募了心盲症患者,邀请他们来实验室进行另一项实验。这一次,他要求实验者先想象一个黑暗的物体,再想象一个明亮的物体。当想象明亮的物体时,如同抬头看灯一样,瞳孔会收缩。意象时的瞳孔与在光照条件下的瞳孔不同。心盲症患者没有意象,也就不会有真正的区别。自愿参加这项实验的人首先要意识到自己是心盲症患者。但如果你甚至不知道其他人可以在脑海中可视化物体,那你怎么知道你不能这样呢?皮尔逊表示,这样的顿悟(意识到自己无法可视化物体)通常发生在冥想课上。老师会说: “现在想象这个,想象那个。

And they’ll be getting more and more frustrated, saying, “They keep saying that. What do they mean? I can't picture that.”I compare it to people discovering they’re color-blind. They just don’t know what they’re missing until someone describes, somehow, the vivid experience of color. Then they go, “Oh, wait, what?”On a brighter note, though, there are many successful, creative people that live with the condition.Pixar co-founder Ed Catmull is one.Glen Keane, a character animator behind films such as The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast, is another.So is there a connection between imagery, aphantasia and creativity?

他们会越来越沮丧,说: “他们一直说想象。到底想象的是什么? 我想象不出来。”我将这种现象与人们发现自己是色盲的情况相比较。直到有人以某种方式描述了对颜色的生动体验,他们才知道他们缺失了什么东西。他们会说,“哦,等等,什么?”不过,就好的一面来说,很多事业有成、富有创造力的人都患有这种疾病。皮克斯联合创始人埃德·卡特穆尔就是其中之一。《小美人鱼》与《美女与野兽》等电影的特色动画师格伦·基恩也是其中之一。那么,意象、心盲症和创造力之间有联系吗?

I get lots of e-mails from people saying, “Oh my God, I’ve realized I have aphantasia. That's why I'm not creative.”There doesn’t seem to be any roadblocks there.In fact, we’re running a creativity study now here in Future Minds, and again, the data does not support any difference in creativity measures for those with aphantasia.So even though people tend to sort of have some intuition—they think that there should be a lack of creativity in aphantasia, the data doesn’t support that so far.Living without mental imagery might seem like a disadvantage, butPearson says there are benefits as well—especially in terms of those living with anxiety disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD.All the data we have so far suggests that the more vivid your imagery is, the more prone you are to develop PTSD after a trauma.


So there’s a couple of things already pointing to the fact that things around anxiety are going to be different and less so without imagery.But what about good memories? Do they stick around? Pearson says yes, just in a different way.So that can take on a number of different semantics, ideas, concepts, spatial locations, emotions and sometimes different senses.So you can break aphantasia up into multisensory aphantasia—so let’s blind across all the senses—while or pure visual aphantasia.So while people's lifelong memories have less details if they have aphantasia, they’re still there.It’s not catastrophic. Their memories aren’t lost.Thanks for listening. For Scientific American’s Science, Quickly, I’m Stefano Montali.

已经有一些研究表明了这样的事实,即焦虑会对生活产生影响,如果缺乏意象能力,影响就会少很多。但是美好的回忆呢? 会留下来吗? 皮尔森认为会留下,只是方式不同。每个人对事物的含义,想法,概念,空间位置,情感体验不同,有时感觉也是如此。可以把心盲症分为多感官心盲,即缺乏所有感官的想象力,或者仅为纯粹的视觉心盲。因此,如果人们患有心盲症,那么,他们一生记忆中的细节会比常人少些,但仍然有记忆。这并非是灾难。他们的记忆并没有丢失。谢谢大家收听科学美国人的科学快报。我是斯特凡诺·蒙塔利。

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