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作者:聚创考研网-王老师 点击量: 109 发布时间: 2024-04-30 09:33 【微信号:13306030226】



Companies are starting to study this.And preliminary research suggests the AIs are surprisingly accurate.Studies have shown that they work better than online symptom checkerswhich are websites that let you input your symptoms and spit out a diagnosis.Theyre also better than some untrained humans.In a study posted on the preprint server MedRxiv in February, which has not yet been peer reviewed, epidemiologist Andrew Beam of Harvard University and his colleagues wrote 48 prompts phrased as descriptions of his patientssymptoms.When they fed these to OpenAI's GPT-3, which is the version of the algorithm that powered ChatGPT at the time, the top three potential diagnoses for each case included the correct one 88 percent of the time.Physicians by comparison could do this 96 percent of the time when given the same prompts, but people without medical training could do so only 54 percent of the time.Okay, so the AIs are good. But physicians were still better in that study. So Id still rather go to a real one.




Yeah, absolutely—these AI programs should not be used to diagnose a serious illness, and many of them say so. For that, you should definitely see a doctor.But they’re probably a step up from just googling your symptoms.I tried telling ChatGPT about some characteristic stroke symptoms like numbness in my face and trouble speaking and walking.It came back with a list of likely causes, with stroke at the top, followed by transient ischemic attacks and Multiple Sclerosis.To its credit, it also told me to seek immediate medical care. But I haven’t tried it with more complex or vague symptoms.Now, some health care providers are already using these AIs to help communicate with patients.Some of the doctors that I spoke with are starting to play with it, helping them phrase things, helping them sort of condense their thoughts into what would be a short, concise text message.There's a lot of talk about hospitals that might start actually incorporating some of the software soon.


These AI programs could help doctors deal with some of the administrative grunt work so that they have more time to actually spend with patients.And the breakthrough isn’t just the AI itself.It’s the fact that you can ask it questions in plain English, rather than listing off a bunch of symptoms and having it calculate the statistical likelihood of some diagnosis.But there are some dangers, too. It's not nearly as accurate as the doctor.And there's this known problem with GPT and some of these other similar AI programs where they will do what's called hallucinate and just come up with information on their own, just make stories up, come up with references that don't exist.And that’s not the only concern.



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