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作者:聚创厦大考研网-小黑老师 点击量: 2040 发布时间: 2018-09-07 16:53 【微信号:13306030226】

  极端强磁场下NMR 的非线性效应及其应用,福建省自然科学基金面上项目,2014/01-2016/12。
  [1]Xu JJ, Zheng XJ, Cheng KK, Chang XR, Shen GP, Liu M, Wang YD, Shen JC, Zhang Y, He QD, Dong JY*, Yang ZB*, 2017, NMR-based metabolomics reveals alteration of electro-acupuncture stimulation on chronic atrophic gastritis rats. Scientific Reports, 7: 45580(SCI)
  [2]Meng WJ, Xu XN, Cheng KK, Xu JJ, Shen GP, Wu ZD, Dong JY, 2017. Geographical origin discrimination of Oolong Tea (TieGuanYin, Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze) using proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and near-Infrared spectroscopy. Food Analytical Methods, doi: 10.1007/s12161-017-0920-4. (SCI)
  [3]Wang, WL, Cheng, KK, Deng, LL, Xu, JJ; Shen GP, Griffin, JL, Dong, JY*, 2017. A clustering-based preprocessing method for the elimination of unwanted residuals in metabolomic data. Metabolomics, 13(1): 10. (SCI)
  [4]Shen GP, Li ZS, Zhang Y, Wu HF, Feng JH*, 2016. 1H NMR-based metabolomics study on the physiological variations during the rat pregnancy process. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 423: 40-50. (SCI)
  [5]Xu JJ, Cheng KK, Yang ZB*, Wang C, Shen GP, Wang YD, Liu Q, Dong JY*, 2015. 1H NMR Metabolic Profiling of Biofluids from Rats with Gastric Mucosal Lesion and Electroacupuncture Treatment. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 801691. (SCI)
  [6]Deng LL, Cheng KK, Shen GP, Zhou L, Liu XZ, Dong JY*, Chen Z, 2014. A Novel Metabolomic Data Scaling Method Based on K-L Divergence. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 34(10): 2868-2872. (SCI)
  [7]Shen GP, Cai CB, Chen Z, Cai SH*, 2013. Intermolecular double-quantum coherence imaging without coherence selection gradients and its application in in vivo MRI. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 31(4): 515-523. (SCI/EI)
  [8]Shen GP, Dai XX, Deng LL, Wei YY, Xu JJ, Wang CH, Dong JY*, Chen Z, 2013. NMR-based Metabolomic Study on Serum and Urine of Familial Hyperthyroidism. Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities, 34(10): 2290-2295. (SCI)
  [9]Chen YS, Zhang ZY, Shen GP, Cai SH, Cai CB*, 2013. Hadamard encoded 2D correlation spectroscopy in inhomogeneous fields. Chemical Physics Letters, 563: 102-106. (SCI)
  [10]Shen GP, Cai CB, Chen Z, Cai SH*, 2011. Apparent diffusion behaviors of spins in the presence of distant dipolar field in two-component solution NMR. Molecular Physics, 109(15): 1943-1952. (SCI/EI)
  [11]Shen GP, Cai CB, Chen Z, Cai SH*, 2011. Observation of NMR signal dips in intermolecular double-quantum coherences. Chinese Physics B, 20(10): 103301. (SCI/EI)
  [12]Shen GP, Cai CB, Cai SH*, Chen Z, 2009. Apparent diffusion behaviors of intermolecular double-quantum coherences modulated by distant dipolar field in solution NMR. Chinese Physics B, 18(11): 4797-4806. (SCI/EI)

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