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作者:聚创考研网-王老师 点击量: 365 发布时间: 2023-12-07 09:37 【微信号:13306030226】



How to explain the puzzle of the world economy?What is mona lisa doing?At first glance the subject of the world's most famous painting seems to be smiling.Look again and her smile fades.When it next reappears, it is a different sort of smile.Leonardo da Vinci achieved this ambiguous effect with the use of sfumato, where he blurred the lines around Mona Lisa's face.No matter how many times you look, you are unsure quite what is happening.The post-pandemic economy is like the Mona Lisa.Each time you look, you see something different.After chaos in the banking industry, many analysts are now convinced that the world economy is heading for a "hard-landing" recession.


Few seem to expect a "no-landing" scenario, in which the economy remains untroubled by rising interest rates--a fashionable opinion just weeks ago, and one which itself supplanted a common view late last year that a mild recession was certain.In short: forecasting has rarely been harder.In the past year the range of analysts' expectations for American quarterly GDP growth has been twice as wide as in 2019.The word "uncertainty" appears more than 60 times in the IMF's latest global economic outlook, about twice as many as in April and October 2022.When the banking panic struck, no one had the slightest idea what the Federal Reserve would do with interest rates in March--some investors expected a rate rise, some no change, some a cut--and the next few meetings look equally unpredictable.

几乎没有人预计会出现"不着陆"的情况,即经济不受利率上升的困扰--几周前这种观点还很流行,去年年底这种观点也取代了温和衰退已成定局的普遍看法。简而言之:预测从来没有像现在这样难。在过去一年里,分析师对美国季度GDP增长率的预期区间范围比2019年的宽了一倍。"不确定性"一词在国际货币基金组织最新的全球经济展望报告中出现了60多次,是20224月和10月出现次数的两倍左右。当银行恐慌袭来,人们对美联储会在3月份如何调整利率毫无头绪 -- 一些投资者预计会加息,一些人预计不会改变,还有人预计会降息 -- 接下来的几次会议结果也貌似同样不可预测。


At the European Central Bank's most recent monetary-policy meeting last month, Christine Lagarde, its president, was blunt about her institution's role."It is not possible to determine at this point in time what the path will be going forward," she said.Official statisticians are struggling to understand the picture.As a matter of course they update their estimates of everything from GDP to employment as more data come in.But something profound has changed.GDP revisions in the euro area are four times bigger than normal.In March Britain's statistics office issued some huge revisions.The release showed real business investment was in line with its pre-pandemic level, not 8% below as once believed.Last month Australian statisticians more than halved their estimate of productivity growth in the third quarter of 2022.That year America's Bureau of Labour Statistics (BLS) issued revisions to its estimate of nonfarm payrolls (not adjusting for seasonality) of 59,000 a month between the first and third estimates, compared with 40,000 in 2019.




What is going on?Perhaps the world is simply more volatile.In the past year Europe has seen its biggest war in seven decades, supply-chain snarl-ups, an energy crisis and banking panic.The rest of the rich world has only been a bit more stable.


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