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作者:聚创考研网-王老师 点击量: 86 发布时间: 2024-03-25 09:29 【微信号:13306030226】



However, the kind of memories formed during sleep and during wake, they differ.In our study we could at least disentangle two very different kinds of memories:On the one side, memories which are for recognition of an object independent of context, and on the other hand, those memories which are context and space dependent.So, rats who stayed awake were actually better at remembering the original object than their fully rested counterparts–but only when the item was presented in a new location.Rats who’d gotten some shut-eye after their initial study sesh seemed thrown by the change in venue and showed no signs of recognizing the familiar objects when they appeared out of context.That suggests their memories were context-dependent, whereas for the rats who skipped the nap, context didn’t matter.



In life, of course, wake is always followed by sleep…So Born says the two paths to memory consolidation most likely complement each other with sleep putting waking memories in their proper place.So the wake state may, for example, serve to enhance the different events experienced during the wake phase, keep it in your memory, until you go into the sleep phase.And the sleep phase, puts these objects, these events--into the right context and in this way enhances a full blown episodic memory.Now, as to whether you might want to avoid dozing after you cram for an exam…I wouldn’t recommend this.Of course, rats aren’t people. And people aren’t rats. So it’s not really a fair question.I think it is a little too early to infer based on our results what students should do to be optimally prepared for an exam.

Nevertheless, Born does come down on the side of sleep.I’m still convinced, although we cannot infer this from our studies, I’m still convinced that sleep leads to the more effective, overall more effective, type of memory formation.Plus, sleep gives your brain a chance to rest.When you are not fully rested, it is in general more difficult to retrieve any kind of memory in comparison when you are fully rested.And the findings suggest that 40 winks should help you remember not just the who, what, and when, but also the wherefore.For Scientific American’s 60-Second Science, I’m Karen Hopkin.


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