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作者:聚创内大考研网-小黑老师 点击量: 1030 发布时间: 2016-07-10 11:11 【微信号:13306030226】

姓  名:
  李前忠,男,博士,教授,1961年1月生于内蒙古自治区呼和浩特。1986年在内蒙古大学理论物理专业理论生物物理方向硕士毕业;1994年在内蒙古大学理论物理专业理论生物物理方向博士毕业(导师罗辽复教授)。2001年起任理论物理专业博士生导师,2003任生物物理专业博士生导师。2004年3月到2005年4月在美国加州大学Davis分校(University of California, Davis)做访问学者。现任中国生物物理学会理事、内蒙古物理学会副理事长、内蒙古大学理工学院物理系主任。内蒙古自治区“321人才工程”第一层次人选。内蒙古自治区中青年突出贡献专家。
  2007. Ying-Li Chen and Qian-Zhong Li. Prediction of apoptosis protein subcellular location using improved hybrid approach and pseudo amino acid composition, Journal of Theoretical Biology DOI: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2007.05.019.(SCI)
  2007. Feng-Min Li and Qian-Zhong Li. Using pseudo amino acid composition to predict protein subnuclear location with improved hybrid approach, Amino Acids DOI 10.1007/s00726-007-0545-9.(SCI)
  2007. Hao Lin and Qian-Zhong Li. Using Pseudo Amino Acid Composition to predict Protein Structural Class: Approached by Incorporating 400 Dipeptide, Journal of Computational Chemistry 28: 1463-1466.(SCI)
  2007. Hao Lin and Qian-Zhong Li. Predicting conotoxin superfamily and family by using pseudo amino acid composition and modified Mahalanobis discriminant, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 354: 548-551.(SCI)
  2007. Ying-Li Chen and Qian-Zhong Li. Prediction of the subcellular location of apoptosis proteins, Journal of Theoretical Biology 245: 775-783.(SCI)
  2006. Qian-Zhong Li and Hao Lin. The recognition and prediction of sigma70 promoters in Escherichia coli K-12, Journal of Theoretical Biology 242:135-141.(SCI)
  2006. Q.Z. Li, Y. Yeh, J.J. Liu, R.E. Feeney, V.V. Krishnan. A two-dimensional adsorption kinetic model for thermal hyteresis activity in antifreeze proteins, Journal of chemical physics 124: 204702-1.(SCI)
  2006. Junjie Liu and Qianzhong Li. Theoretical model of antifreeze protein–ice adsorption: Binding of large ligands to a two-dimensional homogeneous lattice, Chemical Physics Letters 422: 67–71.(SCI)
  2003. Jun-Jie Liu and Qianzhong Li. A theoretical model on thermal hysteresis activity of the winter flounder protein “HPLC-6”, Chemical Physics Letters 378: 238-243.(SCI)
  2002. Qian-Zhong Li, Liao-Fu Luo and Li-Rong Zhang. Study on the model for regulation of the allosteric enzyme activity, Chinese Journal of Chemistry 20: 1506-1513.(SCI)
  2002. Wei-Sheng Guo, Liao-Fu Luo and Qian-Zhong Li. A chemical kinetic theory on muscle contraction and spontaneous oscillation, Chemical Physics Letters 363: 471-478.(SCI)
  2001. Qianzhong Li and Zhiqing Lu.The Prediction of the Structural Class of Proein: Application of the Measure of Diversity,Journal of Theoretical Biology 213: 493-502.(SCI)
  2000. Qianzhong Li and Liaofu Luo. Adsorption kinetics in the solution of a thermalhysteresis protein, Chemical Physics Letters 320: 335-338.(SCI)
  1997. Qianzhong Li and Liaofu Luo. A study on the growth habits of ice crystals in antifreeze solution, Proceedings of the international symposium on Biophysics and Biomathematics, p108-112,(Editors: Liao-Fu Luo, Qian-Zhong Li, Wei-Jiang Lee, Inner Mongolia University Press).(ISTP)
  1996. Qianzhong Li and Liaofu Luo. A study of the growth and growth habit of ice crystals in a solution of antifreeze (glyco)proteins, Chemical Physics Letters 263: 651-654.(SCI)
  1994. Qianzhong Li and Liaofu Luo. Further Discussion on the thermal Hysteresis of the ice growth inhibitor, Chemical Physics Letters 223: 181-184.(SCI)
  1994. Qianzhong Li and Liaofu Luo. The theory of thermal hysteresis of antifreeze protein solution, First East Asian Symposium on Biophysics (ASB94), p79,(Japan).(SCI)
  1993. Qianzhong Li and Liaofu Luo. The kinetic theory of thermal hysteresis of a macromolecle solution, Chemical Physics Letters 216: 453-457.(SCI)
  1986. Liaofu Luo and Qianzhong Li. Why are Terminator UAA UAG and UGA? Origins of Life, p263.(SCI)
  1985. 罗辽复, 李前忠. 突变率的S4对称破缺和终止密码子,科学通报, 30: 1056.(SCI)
  2007. 理论预测果蝇polII启动子. 生物信息学, Vol.5, No.4: 26-28. 林昊,李前忠.
  2007. 大肠杆菌E.coli K-12转录因子结合位点的理论预测, 生物信息学, Vol.5, No.3: 35-38. 杨科利,李前忠,林昊.
  2007. 大肠杆菌sigma70启动子预测, 生物信息学, Vol.5, No.1: 12–14. 林昊,李前忠.
  2006. 用离散量的方法识别蛋白质的超二级结构.生物物理学报, Vol.22, No.6, pp27-31,胡秀珍, 李前忠.
  2006. 基于二次判别的果蝇启动子识别, 生物物理学报, Vol.22, No.5, pp345-350,林昊, 李前忠.
  2006. 甲虫抗冻蛋白热滞活性的二维吸附结合模型, 生物物理学报, Vol.22, No.4, pp268-274,刘俊杰,李前忠.
  2004. 蛋白质亚细胞定位的识别,生物物理学报,20:297,李凤敏,李前忠.
  2004. 拟南芥和线虫基因序列及剪切位点的理论预测,生物物理学报,20:125,陈翠霞,李前忠,林昊.
  2001. 抗冻糖蛋白溶液中冰晶生长速率的研究, 生物物理学报, Vol.17, No.4, pp713-716,刘俊杰,李前忠.
  2001. 用离散量预测蛋白质的结构型,生物物理学报, Vol.17, No.4, pp703-712, 吕志清,李前忠.
  2001. 大肠杆菌与酵母菌基因特定序列信息参量的研究, 生物物理学报, Vol.17, No.4, pp676-684, 陈颖丽,李前忠,马克健.
  1994. 抗冻蛋白溶液的热滞理论,生物物理学报,10:465, 李前忠,罗辽复.
  1994. The theory of thermal hysteresis of antifreeze protein solution, First East Asian Symposium on Biophysics(ASB94), p79, (Japan), Qianzhong Li, Liaofu Luo.
  1992. A Preliminary Explanation on The Mechanism of Antifreeze Protein, International Workshop Biomacromolecules:Structure and Function p108, Qianzhong Li, Liaofu Luo.
  1985. Some Remarks on The Genetic Code, CHINA JAPAN BILATEVAL SYMPOSIUMON BIOPHYSICS P409, Liaofu Luo, qianzhong Li.
  2006.7-2009.12, 主持内蒙古自然科学基金(重大项目):“离子注入对黄芪多倍体诱导及其药用成分含量的影响”
  2006.10-2008.10, 主持内蒙古优秀学科带头人项目:“真核生物组非编码序列的信息分析和功能位点研究”
  2006.1-2008.12, 主持国家自然科学基金项目:“模式生物基因组中非编码序列的信息学特征分析和功能位点研究”
  1999.11-2001.12, 主持完成内蒙古人事厅 “321” 人才工程基金项目:“配体平衡反应与酶活性调节的动力学研究”
  2005.1-2007.12, 参加国家自然科学基金项目(重大计划):“保守非基因序列(CNGS)、非编码RNA序列和内含子的信息论研究和功能预测”

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