作者:聚创考研网-王老师 点击量: 330 发布时间: 2024-04-10 09:15 【微信号:13306030226】
This is Scientific American’s 60-Second Science. I’m Ashleigh Papp.Imagine a little critter that isn’t quite an insect or an animal.It’s about one millimeter in length, shaped like a gummy bear with eight legs and covered in tough, almost crunchy-looking scales.Ladies and gentlemen, meet the tardigrade!They basically look like, more or less, something between a worm and a bear with more legs.They get the name water bears from their lumbering gait that—when they walk, they kind of sway from side to side, which is quite cute.That’s Jessica Ehmann, a research scientist and former student researcher at the University of Stuttgart in Germany, and she's pretty obsessed with the water bear.So that’s basically when I fell in love with the tardigrade, because it sat there under my binoculars, and it got up in the front of the body, and it was waving at me.
缓步动物存在的时间比恐龙还要长,它们大约存在了2亿年。在这段时间里,为了在恶劣的环境下生存下来,它们发展出一种十分巧妙的方法。当天气过于干燥或过于寒冷时,缓步动物的新陈代谢会降到接近零,然后休眠数年。它们会把所有的手臂都收回去,你就再也看不到它们的手臂了; 它们看起来就像一个个小舌头。它们把自己的腿都收起来后,新陈代谢会减慢,基本上接近停滞状态。然后,当条件再次变得合适时,它们就会苏醒,继续生活,就像睡美人在王子到来之前沉睡了一个世纪一样。
Tardigrades have been around for even longer than the dinosaurs—by, like, 200 million years.And over all of this time, they’ve developed some pretty nifty ways to survive harsh environmental conditions.When things get too dry or too cold, a tardigrade can lower its metabolism to nearly zero and go dormant for years.They take all their arms, and they pull them inside, and you can’t see their arms anymore; they just look like small tongues.And they, like, pull in all their extremities. And then they slow down their metabolism, basically, to a standstill.And then, when conditions are right again, they wake up and go on with their life, almost like Sleeping Beauty lying asleep for a century before her prince arrives.
Here’s why that matters.Researchers are really interested in what happens to tardigrades while they’re in that dormant state, which they call “cryptobiosis.”If nearly everything can be turned off and then, decades later, turned back on and fully functional, the tardigrade and its internal clock may hold the keys to that Disney princess hibernation palace that we’ve been searching for.A previous study from 2008 by some of Ehmann’s colleagues at Stuttgart investigated how long tardigrades can survive in crazy dry conditions.So Ehmann took a similar approach. But this time, she turned the temp down—like, subzero down.
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