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作者:聚创考研网-王老师 点击量: 440 发布时间: 2022-12-10 09:22 【微信号:13306030226】


经济学人:时差N小时:笑是个社会信号? Laughter

DON:Yael, I've been thinking lately that maybe I should go into stand-up comedy.YAEL:What on earth gave you that idea?DON:I've noticed that I seem to make a lot of people laugh, especially women.Sometimes all I have to say is "Hello." It's rather remarkable.YAEL:Actually, it's rather ordinary.Laughter research has found that only a small percentage of laughter, less than 20%, is a sincere response to someone's humor.In fact, laughter is primarily a social signal, as opposed to an emotional outburst.People are thirty times more likely to laugh in a social situation than when they are alone.‍


And other observations about laughter also imply it has a social function.For instance, there's "polite" laughter.How often have you found yourself laughing at someone's attempt at being funny in order to spare their feelings or make them feel good?DON:Wow. You've just described my relationship with my father.It hurts me how unfunny he is.I'm sure I'd be able to tell if people were faking their laughter at my jokes, though.YAEL:Hmm. Well, Don, research has also found that women tend to laugh a good deal more than men.And male speakers tend to illicit more laughter than female speakers.Also, laughter may very well be a sign of power dynamics between people, signaling dominance and submission, acceptance and rejection.Certainly, that seems to be the case when someone is laughed at rather than with.DON:Thanks a lot, Yael.I think you've ruined my career in comedy, as well as laughter in general.You've explained the life out of it!


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