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作者:聚创考研网-王老师 点击量: 139 发布时间: 2024-04-22 09:23 【微信号:13306030226】



World in a Dish Fry And Stop HimOne Man's Quest to Understand and Glorify the ChipIt is easy to see why so many classic recipes are difficult to cook.A gleaming duck p?té en cro?te, a deeply savoury mole poblano, a vast timballo, a perfectly clear consommé: they all involve long tallies of ingredients, tricksy processes and towers of specialist equipment.The chip, by contrast, needs none of these.It is a simple thinga long, narrow piece of potato, fried in oil.To be clear, these are the sort of thick, dependable chips that go with fish, not skinny frites or French fries, nor the kind shoved into American childrens lunch bags.Chips are one of the cheaply pleasantfoods with which the underfed, harassed, bored and miserablemay console themselves, wrote George Orwell in The Road to Wigan Pier.Fish and chips were thought to be so necessary to British well-being during the second world war that they were one of the few foodstuffs exempted from rationing.Everyone knows the quiet but profound joy of a good chip.


盘中世界 化薯条为神奇 一名厨师认识并升华薯条的美味探索之旅许多经典菜肴烹饪起来并不简单,这是显而易见的。无论是油光莹润的法式酥皮鸭肉冻、味道浓郁的墨西哥巧克力辣酱,还是丰盛豪华的意大利廷巴洛烤菜、澄清爽口的法式清汤:制作这些菜肴都需要一长串食材、复杂的程序和堆叠如山的专业器具。相反,做炸薯条的话,这些东西都用不着。很简单,只需要一个窄长的土豆,然后用油炸就行了。需要说明的是,这里说的是和炸鱼配着吃的让人放心的粗薯条,不是细瘦干瘪的法式炸薯条,也不是塞进美国儿童午餐袋中的那种薯条。乔治·奥威尔在《通往威根码头之路》中写道,薯条是一种"让人愉快的便宜食物""那些吃不饱的、受骚扰的、烦闷悲苦的人"可以从中得到安慰。二战期间,炸鱼薯条被认为是让英国人保持健康快乐的必备食品,所以它成了为数不多的不受配给量限制的食品之一。每个人都明白一份好薯条带来的那种平静、深沉的喜悦。


Soused in vinegar, splattered in mayonnaise or ketchup, their straightforward plainness is a comforting delight—even, or especially, in a post-festive season when you are meant to be abstemious.So it is striking that the creator of the über-chip is known for his inventiveness and complex experimentation.Heston Blumenthal, a British chef, is famed for bewildering dishes such as the meat fruit—a chicken liver parfait disguised as a mandarin.In his hands liquid nitrogen went from something to be used to freeze off warts to a tool for making the smoothest of ice-cream (bacon-and-egg flavoured, naturally).He serves a seaside scene of edible sand with kelp and seafood, eaten to an accompanying soundtrack of ocean waves and the cawing of seagulls.He is one of the original “molecular gastronomists”, with their foams and gels that taste of the unexpected.And yet his greatest gift to the world may be the triple-cooked chip.Mr Blumenthal became obsessed with chips around 1992, before he had begun feeding restaurant diners snail porridge, before he even had a restaurant.



The traditional double fry can too often end with chips that are either undercooked or soggy, a result of steam escaping from the middle and softening the crust.He wanted a “glass-like” crispy crust with a fluffy centre.An elaborate multi-stage process—involving boiling, freezing and frying—was his characteristically detailed solution.Since becoming one of its doyens, Mr Blumenthal has expressed his frustration with the term molecular gastronomy.This, he has pointed out, is “simply the science of cooking”.Like science, preparing food is a form of puzzle-solving.Why did your cake rise to a dome in the centre?Why won’t my onions caramelise?High-end chefs like Mr Blumenthal must grasp the intricacies of transforming ingredients into ever more delicious things to eat.But as he has demonstrated, cooking is also an art.And like artworks, dishes must be judged according to their ambitions.A pop song can be as great in its way as a symphony—and a chip as miraculous as a viridescent spherified pea.



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